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wellbeing coaching for students, faculty, and staff

Wellbeing Coaching is a free service through the Office of Wellbeing that is available for students, faculty, and staff on the Reynolda campus.

What is Wellbeing Coaching?

Wellbeing Coaching is an evidence-based practice designed to help you reach your personal health and wellbeing goals.  Health and wellbeing coaching is structured around the changes that you want to make in your life when you are ready to make them – you are empowered through this process to identify the life you want to be living and are not told by a coach what your life “should” look like. 

Certified health coaches meet one on one with you to provide support and accountability to reach your health and wellbeing goals over a period of weeks together. Coaches apply strategies and practical skills as they partner with you to work through lifestyle challenges and to help you reach a quality of life that is meaningful, self-sustaining, healthy, and value-driven.  If you’re ready to make healthy, goal-directed changes in your life – Wellbeing Coaching is for you!

What types of goals can Wellbeing Coaching support?

  • Stress Management
  • Resiliency
  • Time Management
  • Sleep Hygiene
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Self Care
  • Lifestyle Management

Program Structure

Traditional Coaching

The Office of Wellbeing is offering sessions for wellbeing coaching starting in late January.  Clients will meet with their coach for an initial session, and then bi-weekly for the semester, for a total of 5-7 sessions.  Sessions will be scheduled directly with the coach and there is some flexibility to accommodate skipping a week or moving a session, if needed.  Sessions will be 45-60 minutes long and will take place in-person or via zoom.

Drop-In Coaching

We offer drop-in hours for client to find out more about what coaching has to offer, to talk through making a decision, set up a daily schedule, or to discuss other short-term goals.  Drop-in coaching offers the opportunity to see what coaching is like as you look at situations from all angles and get a different perspective, without a longer-term commitment.  You can choose to move to traditional coaching after a drop-in session, but it is not required.

Meet our Wellbeing Coaches & Schedule a Session

To make an appointment for traditional coaching, select a coach and click the scheduling button linked below their background information. If none are available, start with a drop-in session.

Do I want to see a coach or a counselor?

The differences between counseling and coaching can be confusing.  Both options will work with you to empower and enable you to move forward to a more positive life experience.  Both services ask for your input and perspective rather than giving advice and telling you what to do. 

The main difference is based on where your focus needs to be in order to live fully present and able to wellbeing – either on healing or on growing to reach your full potential.  If you have a wound, pain, or hurt that aches whenever anyone pokes it or that is invasive enough to affect your daily functioning, then counseling might be a better fit right now.  Many people start with counseling and move to coaching as they heal mentally and emotionally.  If you are focused on setting goals or changing your lifestyle in order to build healthier life patterns, then coaching might be a more appropriate starting point.

Wellbeing CoachingCounseling
Goal is to help people wellbeingGoal is to help people gain mental health
If you say, “I want/desire it to be better”If you say, “I need it to function”
Focuses on changing behavior,
building strengths, and setting goals
Focuses on emotional and mental healing
Is about results and solutionsIs about solving problems
Deals with conscious awareness and goalsOften deals with underlying issues and
unconscious drives
A coach cannot act as a counselorA counselor can also act as a life coach
Provides goal-setting and skill development
through collaborative conversations
Provides diagnosis and treatment
Focus on what the client wishes to transformFocus on gaining insight
Private, not confidentialConfidential

For any additional questions regarding Wellbeing Coaching, please email