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At Wake Forest, we are committed to fostering a culture of care and respect among our Demon Deacons. We offer a multi-issue bystander intervention training called Deacs Do It. Specifically designed for Wake Forest students, Deacs Do It is based on evidence-based curriculums and is integrated into various opportunities before, during, and after orientation. 

Together, we can create a safer and more caring Wake Forest experience for all.

What is bystander intervention?

Bystander Intervention is recognizing a potentially harmful situation or interaction and choosing to respond in a way that could positively influence the outcome. The act of intervening as a bystander is often referred to as being an Active Bystander.

We encourage intervention early and often.  We, as bystanders, need to pay attention to our surroundings so that we can notice and intervene when we see harmful behaviors that contribute to violence.  Deacs Do It equips students with the skills to be active bystanders, empowering them to intervene in situations where risk or harm might occur safely. Our curriculum is centered around the 5 D’s of bystander intervention: Direct, Delegate, Distract, Delay, and Document. Through interactive training sessions, students learn practical strategies for navigating challenging scenarios and positively impacting our community. 


Deacs Do It isn’t just about bystander intervention in one area; it’s a comprehensive program that addresses multiple issues prevalent in our society and on college campuses. By integrating critical issues into our curriculum, we ensure that students are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to step up in a variety of situations.

Our training covers a range of topics:

  • Sexual harassment
  • Sexual assault
  • Bias
  • Discrimination

Through interactive scenarios and real-world examples, our training fosters a deeper understanding of these complex issues and provides practical strategies for intervention. We strive to create a campus community where all members feel respected, supported, and valued.

Interested in learning more or requesting a workshop for your student organization? Please contact our Interpersonal Violence Prevention Coordinator, Hannah Dean at