How to Intervene
Know how to help yourself and others.
Whether you ask for help from a friend, or help someone directly, utilize the 5 D’s to be an active bystander.
What Do Deacs Do? Deacs Do It.
Speak up and address inappropriate comments and behaviors head-on.
- “Hey, are you okay?”
- “Are you too drunk to hook up?”
- “Back off”
- “Looks like things are getting a little intense, can I help?”
- “You said you were sticking with us tonight, I don’t think it would be a good idea for you to go with them, and for us to split up.”
Alert other people and get help from someone who is better equipped to handle the situation.
- Find the host of the party to help you with the situation
- Find the bouncer/bartender
- Utilize campus resources and the WakeSafe app to contact the University Police
- Get your RA involved
- If you don’t know the person, seek help from people who do know them (friends, roommates, etc.)
Get creative and do something to disrupt the situation.
- Tell them a friend is looking for them
- Accidentally spill a drink
- Ask them to help you with something (find your phone, wallet, friends, etc.)
- Engage in the conversation- “Hey, don’t I know you from my class?”
- Ask one of them to walk you home
If you don’t feel comfortable acting in the moment, you can always take action and follow up later on after the event has occurred.
- Checking in with the person the next day to see how they are feeling and how the night went
- Reach out to campus resources to get more information about how to help
Documentation involves either recording or taking notes on an instance of harassment. This can be during the event and after it is over
- ALWAYS ask the person who was harassed what they want to do with your recording and/or notes. NEVER post it online or use it without their permission.
- Document isn’t appropriate in all situations and should be used thoughtfully.