Image of skyline with title "social wellbeing"

Social wellbeing

Social Wellbeing is the result of our positive and regular interactions with others in a variety of settings. Studies have shown that building and maintaining strong relationships is vital to happiness. We’re social creatures who occasionally need a gentle nudge to find the right outlets.

Your Social Wellbeing

If spent with close friends, social time can include time at work, at home, on the phone or other forms of communication. The happiest people, one Gallup survey indicated, average six hours of such interaction per day. Those with almost no social investments have an equal chance of having a good and a bad day.

If you haven’t found your niche yet, it’s out there waiting for you. One of the best ways is to expand your horizons by joining one of the nearly 200 student organizations on campus. They run the gamut from the Accounting Society to the Young Adult Cancer Awareness Society.

You’ll be amazed at the difference they can make.

Social wellbeing practices

  • Utilize an engagement consultant to find a student organization that suits you.
  • Grab a meal with a friend.
  • Schedule social time into your calendar.
  • Try a hobby or activity that allows you to meet new people.
  • Take alone time when you need it.

On-campus resources

Office of Student Engagement

LGBTQ+ Center

Women’s Center

Intercultural Center

Tools that can help with social wellbeing

Stamp with speech bubble illustration and title "quiz"


This aptitude quiz will reveal what hobby you should try next.

Stamp with stacked illustration and title "app"


Start meeting people in your area.

Stamp with book illustration and title "book"


Thrive in an unbalanced digital world.